What To Get Your Armenian Mom or Grandma for Christmas?
We've got the answer!
Parev fellow Armos!
We're back, and today we wanted to help you check off some very important people from your Christmas lists. Yes, we're talking about your Armenian Mom and Grandma! Whether you call her Mom, Mommy or Mayrik -- Grandma, Grandmom or Tatik -- or something else entirely -- these ladies do so much for you year-round, and it's time to show your appreciation!
You're sure to become Mayrik and Tatik's favorite by gifting them with the shirt that sums them up best – The Hye Line's LOVE AT ITS HYEST tee. It comes in both short and long sleeves, for both Armenian Moms and Grandmas, and in a variety of complimentary colors.
Armenian Grandma Love At Its Hyest – The Hye Line
Armenian Mom Love At Its Hyest – The Hye Line
Of course, if you're a Mom or grandma yourself, you can always celebrate the Mayrik or Tatik you're proud to be with an Armenian t-shirt you'll be proud to own!
Sending you all our HYEST LOVE for the holiday season and beyond!
Bachigs and Hugs,
The Hye Line Team
P.S. If you're looking to cross an Armenian Dad or Grandpa off your list, we've also got you covered! Check out our Armenian Dad Love At Its Hyest T-Shirt and our Armenian Grandpa Love At Its Hyest T-Shirt.
P.P.S. All varieties come in mugs, too!